CDC Cooperative Agreement #: 6 NU38OT000304-05-03

Launched August 1, 2018, the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP) is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and implemented by Nemours Children’s Health (Nemours Children's). Through HKHF TAP, Nemours Children's and CDC provide technical assistance (TA), tools/resources, and financial support to embed healthy eating and physical activiyt best practices into state ECE systems and support facilities level interventions aimed at improving ECE provider practices. ECE systems include professional development offerings for providers, technical assistance networks supporting quality improvement, recognition programs, and child care licensing. Nemours Children's and state partners utilize the CDC’s Quick Start Action Guide (2.0) for State Obesity Prevention Efforts Targeting the ECE setting (“Spectrum 2.0”) as the guiding framework for state level efforts.

As part of HKHF TAP, Nemours Children's aims to:
1) Improve the establishment and maintenance of results-driven partnerships, and
2) Improve the identification of best practices and the implementation of evidence-base/informed programs and services.