Thank you for your interest in NAKIVO Backup & Replication! Please answer the questions below to help us understand what you think of the Beta and how the product has worked for you.
Your Environment

Question Title

* 1. How many hosts do you have?

Question Title

* 2. How many VMs do you have?

Question Title

* 3. Do you run production machines in a cloud?

Question Title

* 4. Do you use containers?

Question Title

* 5. What solutions do you use to protect your data?

Your Experience with the Beta

Question Title

* 6. What features have you tried?

Question Title

* 7. Have any of the features failed?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the product's ease of use?

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate the product documentation?

Question Title

* 10. If you contacted NAKIVO support, how would you rate the assistance provided?

Question Title

* 11. How likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 12. What is the main reason for your rating in the previous question?

Future Features: Cloud

Question Title

* 13. Backup to Cloud: What would you pay for?

Question Title

* 14. SaaS Backup: What would you pay for?

Question Title

* 15. Cloud Data Backup: What would you pay for?

Question Title

* 16. Restore to cloud: What would you pay for?

Future Features: On-premise

Question Title

* 17. What new types of backup would you pay for?

Question Title

* 18. What new features would you pay for?

Question Title

* 19. What new solutions are you interested in?

About You

Question Title

* 20. What best describes your organization?

Question Title

* 21. Please provide your contact information.