
Note: The information that you provide will only be used to collect the 2024 Priority Issues Survey results. To view ASCE's privacy policy, please click here.

It’s time to set ASCE’s federal and state legislative priorities for 2024, and we need your expertise. Tell us which
U.S. based public policy issues you think are most critical to the civil engineering profession. Your feedback will be used in developing ASCE's 2024 Priority Issues agenda at the federal and state levels. Thank you for your participation!


ASCE has over 170 policy statements and resolutions that take a position on issues that affect infrastructure and the civil engineering profession. From these policy statements, ASCE’s sets annual priority issues agenda for the state and federal levels. Each summer a survey is sent to all U.S.-based ASCE members requesting their input. Responses are then ranked with the top 5-8 issues becoming the “priority issues”. These priority issues give ASCE’s Government Relations team the guidance they need to advance the Society’s legislative goals.

ASCE Commitment

Our efforts at all levels of government are guided by four Principles for Infrastructure Investment, which are:
  1. Investments must provide substantial, long-term benefits to the public and the economy;
  2. The cost of a project over its entire life span – including designing, building, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure – must be taken into account;
  3. Projects should be built sustainably and resiliently; and
  4. Federal investment should leverage state, local, and private investment, not replace these other critical sources of infrastructure funding.

Further, ASCE has acknowledged the importance of social justice in the study and practice of civil engineering by incorporating its tenets into its Code of Ethics, which calls on all members to “acknowledge the diverse historical, social, and cultural needs of the community, and incorporate these considerations in their work,” and to “consider and balance societal, environmental, and economic impacts, along with opportunities for improvement, in their work.”

Next Steps

After the survey deadline on July 28th, the collected responses will be ranked, reviewed, and approved by the Public Policy and Practice Committee and ultimately the Board of Direction. The 2024 Priority Issues will be published after the October 2023 Board of Direction meeting.