
Dear CD3 G.L.O.V.E User,

We have been contacted by Complaint Technologies to survey users of the CD3 G.L.O.V.E. and other CD3 technology to learn about their uses and perceived effectiveness. Your survey answers are very important for helping to gain insights about using CD3 technology.

Please be frank and honest. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential, and only the researchers will receive the completed surveys. Your answers will be combined with others’ answers, so that no one can identify individual responses. No individual results will be published or made available to any person or organization. The only information released will be the findings, and then only in aggregate form, void of any specific agency.

By completing the survey, you are consenting to the use of this information for research purposes. Your professional opinion could help shape and improve the training program on CD3 technologies.

Thanks for your kind assistance. Completion of the questionnaire is important, so please take the time to complete the entire survey. Read the questions and answers carefully before answering them.

Professionally yours,
John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D.
Darrell L. Ross, Ph.D.

Question Title

* 3. What was the age of the subject?

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* 4. What was the gender of the subject?

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* 5. What was the height of the subject compared to your height?

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* 6. Was the subject suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

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* 7. Identify what type of resistance the subject exhibited prior to your using the CD3 G.L.O.V.E.

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* 8. Other than the CD3 G.L.O.V.E., were other force options used by you or other officers?

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* 9. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, what other force options were used?

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* 10. Was compliance achieved using the CD3 G.L.O.V.E.?

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* 11. If you answered "NO" to the previous question, why was compliance not achieved?

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* 12. Do you believe the CD3 technology gave you a tactical advantage?

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* 13. Was more than one application of the CD3 G.L.O.V.E. necessary to gain compliance?

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* 14. How many CD3 G.L.O.V.E.S. were you wearing?

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* 15. Did you activate both gloves?

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* 16. Where did you apply the CD3 G.L.O.V.E. to the subject?

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* 17. How long was your G.L.O.V.E. application before the subject was controlled?

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* 18. How long has your agency used CD3 technology?

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* 19. How long has CD3 technology been available to you?

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* 20. Identify the CD3 technologies on which you have been trained?

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* 21. How many times have you used CD3 technology outside of training?

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* 22. Do you feel confident using CD3 technologies?

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* 23. How many years of experience do you have in law enforcement?

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* 24. What is your position inside the agency?

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* 25. What is your gender?

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* 26. What is your age range?

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* 27. What is the size of your agency?