Ensuring the West Midlands is an Exemplar Region for All

1.What Local Authority do you reside and/or work in:
2.What is your age range?
3.On a scale of 1 to 5, (1 being Very Poor and 5 being Excellent), how would you rate your experience of finding and living in housing that is appropriate and accessible for you?
Very Poor
Very Good
4.What are examples of some of the barriers that you experience in Community and Housing in the West Midlands?
5.What would you like to be done to overcome some of these barriers and create truly accessible Community and Housing?
6.What modes of transport do you frequently use? Tick as many as you wish.
7.Are you prevented in taking part in day to day activities - eg. Employment or Social Activities, due to a lack of accessible transport?
All of the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
8.What modes of transport would you like to see improved and more accessible in the West Midlands?
9.What can be done to overcome barriers and make Transport more accessible in the West Midlands?
10.On a scale of 1 to 5, (1 being Very Poor and 5 being Excellent), how has your experience been of Health and Wellbeing services in the West Midlands?
11.What has been positive about your experiences within Health and Wellbeing?
12.What kinds of barriers have you experienced within Health and Wellbeing?
13.Have there been barriers for you, as a disabled person, in gaining the skills and employment that you aspire to - through school, college and other opportunities such as apprenticeships?
14.In gaining skills, where have these barriers occurred? Tick all that apply.
15.In gaining employment, where have these barriers occurred? Tick all that apply.
16.What have the main barriers been? Tick all that apply.
17.Do you have an example of where there has been excellent accessibility across the West Midlands?
18.Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey. Would you like to be kept informed about this research? If so, please share your email address and we will be in contact.

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