Like many credit union marketing teams, we have questions about marketing trends - especially information specific to credit union marketing.

We've figured the best way to get those answers is to ask others who live similar roles. Please take our quick survey to help us gain insight on what's going on within credit union marketing.

BONUS! All credit unions who provide feedback will receive a copy of our report: Overview of Credit Union Marketing Capabilities in 2024, once we've collected and processed all the data.

Ready? Let's get started!
By participating in this survey you are giving FFCCU permission to use your responses as part of their overall data. Questions will be used for general analytical use only. Although your credit union name is collected along with your answers, your specific responses will not be connected to you in any way. In addition, you will not be added to any mailing lists as a result of taking this survey, and your responses will not be given to any third party. Only numerical results will be displayed. Proceeding to the survey implies that you understand and agree to provisions in this disclaimer.
25% of survey complete.