Virtual Speaker Showcase

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on a variety of speakers. Your input will guide future programming and styles of keynote presentations.
1.Which speaker are you commenting on?
2.From strongly agree to disagree, please rate the selected speaker on the following criteria:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I am interested in this speaker
His/her message resonated with me
Ideal for an incentive conference
Ideal for an internal offsite
Ideal to motivate sales people
Ideal for professional development
Would work well on a virtual or hybrid platform
Would work well at an in-person conference
I have a meeting in mind for this speaker and would hire him/her within the year
I loved this speaker, but don’t have an appropriate meeting for him/her now
I would prefer to see this speaker at an FICP event for my own personal growth but not interested in hiring
3.Opportunity to share any additional comments