Question Title

* 1. What was your role during this year's Faith In Action project?

Question Title

* 3. How long have you attended there?

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* 4. Who invited you to FIA?

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* 5. Where were you able to serve during FIA?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your FIA Experience. 1 being the worst and 5 being the best.

  1 2 3 4 5
How would you rank your overall FIA experience?
How would you rank your parking experience?
How would you rank your registration experience?
How would you rank your area leader?
How would you rank the impact your project had?
How would you rank the FIA website?
How would you rank the food / hospitality?

Question Title

* 7. Why did you serve at FIA?

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* 8. Tell us a story of an encounter or conversation that made FIA more than a task/project.

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* 9. Is there anything that was confusing or you did not understand?

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* 10. What would you change or how would you improve Faith In Action projects in the future?

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* 11. Where should our next Faith In Action project be?

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* 12. Will you volunteer again?

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* 13. Are you interested in being an FIA leader next time?

Question Title

* 14. Contact Information (not required but may be used if a follow up is needed)