Consumer Satisfaction Survey 2022-23

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* 1. Where did you hear about OSCIL? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. In which of the following service areas did you receive assistance from OSCIL? (Check all that apply.)

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* 3. Do you feel our services were provided to you in a timely manner?

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* 4. Are you satisfied with the services you received from OSCIL?

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* 5. As a result of your involvement with OSCIL, do you feel you have achieved greater independence in your home and/or community?

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* 6. Did the OSCIL staff member(s) you worked with treat you with respect and listen to your concerns?

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* 7. What is name of the staff member who assisted you?

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* 8. Are there other disability-related services you would like OSCIL to provide?

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* 9. Would you recommend OSCIL to your friends and family?

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* 10. What is your disability? (Check all that apply.)

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* 11. Are there any other programs or services that you need but have been unable to find in Rhode Island, If yes, please list them below:

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* 12. Would you like to subscribe to OSCIL's email list to receive notifications of upcoming news and events?  If so, please leave your email address below.

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* 13. You may leave your name and contact information below. It is not mandatory.