The National Health and Medical Research Council is undertaking a review and update of Staying healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th edition) published in 2013 and its associated resources (Staying Healthy).

NHMRC is seeking feedback from the early childhood education and care sector or from those who have used Staying Healthy about its usefulness and how it could be improved.

This information will be used to inform the scope of the review and will be viewed by the NHMRC project team and members of the working group undertaking the review. 

For more information please contact Sharon Hoffman, in the Staying Healthy project team, at

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* 1. What is your role?

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* 2. What do you use Staying Healthy for?

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* 3. What do you think should be changed in Staying Healthy?

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* 4. Is there any content that is hard to understand or contradictory?

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* 5. Has there been a time when you couldn’t find what you needed? (please give an example if answering yes)

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* 6. Do you have any suggestions to improve the format?

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* 7. Do you have any other comments about this resource?

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* 8. If you would like to notified of public consultation, please add your email address below to be included on our notification list.