As 2018 was the first time that Buninyong Primary School ran a snow trip, we are very interested to hear feedback from all involved.  Please feel free to comment on the positives, negatives and everything in between.  This will help us greatly in our planning for the next one in 2020.  The more detail you give us the better!  Thank you in advance.

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* 1. How did you find the timing for the trip? Please consider events from the 2017 information evening until the assembly celebration presentation at the end of Term 3 - e.g. payment schedule, form completion, education sessions, snow trip duration, etc.

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* 2. Was the communication for and on the trip of a good standard?  Please comment on what you found helpful and not so helpful.

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* 3. How prepared did you feel for and on the trip?  Please consider communications, documentation, packing lists, dietary requirements, purchase/hire of snow wear, etc.

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* 4. Did the trip offer good value for money?

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* 5. How do you feel about the trip itinerary?

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* 6. How do you feel about the accommodation used?

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* 7. How do you feel about the food on the trip?

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* 8. How do you feel about the time students were on the slopes (e.g. lessons, time given on the slopes, access to different runs, etc)?

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* 9. Overall, what would you rate the 2018 Snow Trip?  In the comment box below, please write what you would tell someone considering attending the 2020 Snow Trip.