Folkestone & Hythe District Council's councillors are making plans for the future of the district and we would like your views.

The vast majority of what the council does are things we have to do by law (e.g waste collection, determining planning applications, distributing housing benefit, helping people access housing etc). A small number of staff, as well as councillors, work on areas that are more than essential services, things that make our district better, and this is what we want to consult you on today.

We are developing a plan that is aspirational, with sustainability at its heart. Whilst acknowledging that we must live within our means, it’s important that the work of the council reflects the needs of our residents both now and in the future. The well-being of our communities, the health of the local economy, and concern for the environment are central to our ambition.

To underpin our plans for the future of the district, we are using the United Nations 17 Sustainability Goals as a key guiding framework.

When answering these questions, we are asking you to respond based on the local area you live in.

This survey consists of nine questions and should take around ten minutes to complete. You don’t have to answer all the questions, you can skip those that are less interesting to you. Whatever opinions you'd like to share, we want to hear them.

Question Title

* 2. What do you think are the THREE most important things that make your local area a good place to live? For example: open spaces; safety; thriving town centres; clean streets; affordable housing.

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* 3. Please tell us the THREE things that would most improve your local area:

The council has identified five potential areas of focus for its work. Please read each area and choose the most important points for you.

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* 4. Focus area 1: A well-run, transparent and listening council that works closely with its partners.
Please select the statements that are most important to you and share any comments about the proposed commitments below.

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* 5. Focus area 2: Building new homes and improving the quality of existing homes.
Please select the statements that are most important to you and share any comments about the proposed commitments below.

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* 6. Focus area 3: Addressing climate change and enhancing the natural environment and local character.
Please select the statements that are most important to you and share any comments about the proposed commitments below.

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* 7. Focus area 4: Growing the economy in a sustainable way and creating opportunities for all.
Please select the statements that are most important to you and share any comments about the proposed commitments below.

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* 8. Focus area 5: Improving people’s health, wellbeing and sense of community.
Please select the statements that are most important to you and share any comments about the proposed commitments below.

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* 9. Finally, have you got any other ideas that would increase the wellbeing of people or the environment?

The following questions are about you and will help us understand who the views we have collected have come from. You can choose not to say or leave some or all of the questions blank if you prefer.

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* 10. How old are you?

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* 11. What is your ethnicity?

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* 12. What is your gender?

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* 13. Do you consider yourself to be disabled?

Thank you for taking the time to share your views on the future of our local area.
The council has a legal duty to consider the needs of its diverse range of customers. As well as questions about our services we ask questions about you. Although you do not have to answer these questions, without this information the council will be limited in understanding whether views differ among different groups of people.

Folkestone & Hythe District Council is the data controller of your personal data. Your personal information is processed under General Data Protection Regulations Article 6.1 (e) and Article 9.2 (g) in the performance of an official duty and to meet our Public Sector Equality Duty. 

You have the rights to:

- access your personal data
- rectify or correct your personal data
- restrict the processing of your data
- complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.

The council's Data Protection Officer be contacted by email at, or at the address below.

Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2QY.
Phone: 01303 853000.