Post-Test & CME Activity Evaluation

Participant demographics:

Question Title

* 1. Full Name and Credential:

Post-Test (a passing score of 90% is required).

Question Title

* 2. What tab will show patient summary information, such as basic labs, I & Os, problems, medications and microbiology results?

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* 3. What is selected to enter orders?

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* 4. What results are available in the Results Tab?

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* 5. Where do you enter the patient's Medical Record Number (MRN) from the patient icon?

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* 6. How do you search for a patient that is not on your list? 

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* 7. Can encounters from outside of Flagler Hospital be viewed in Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM)?

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* 8. Which is selected to modify a document?

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* 9. Where do you view radiology images and reports? 

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* 10. What does HxDocs include? 

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* 11. Which is selected to create a document?