Purchase District Health Department Active Living Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Fulton, Fulton County

1.Rank factors (1-5) which discourage your residents from making more trips on foot or bike.
1 (Always)
3 (Sometimes)
5 (Never)
Insufficient sidewalks
No bike lane
High vehicular traffic areas
Insufficient safety signage
Not physically able
2.Please provide the locations where gaps exist in pedestrian network (including, but not limited to: missing sidewalk, unmarked crosswalks, missing ADA ramps, missing pedestrian crossing signals etc.):
3.Please provide the locations where gaps exist in the bicycle network:
4.What factors discourage school children from either walking or biking to and from school?  (Can select more than one)
5.What factors discourage residents from walking or biking to local destinations? Examples include workplace, shopping, school, church, etc. (Can select more than one)
6.Any additional needs or suggestions for improving walking and biking in your community:
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered