Green lid Organics bin is only collected weekly so starts to smell
Don't like/want loose food scraps in the green lid organics bin
Food scraps in the green lid organics bin may attract flies, cockroaches, rats etc
Don't like/want food scraps on the kitchen bench
Food scraps in a bin or caddy in the kitchen may attract flies, cockroaches, rats etc
Food scraps in a bin or caddy in the kitchen may start to smell
No room in kitchen for food scraps collection
Too much effort to separate food scraps in the kitchen and dispose of
It's too messy/fiddly trying to scrape food scraps off plates into a small bin or caddy
It's too messy/fiddly to empty jars and containers of out-of-date food into a small bin or caddy
We aren't sure which food scraps can go in the green lid organics bin
Our green lid organics bin is very often full of garden waste, so there is no room for food scraps
Our green lid organics bin is occasionally full of garden waste, so there is no room for food scraps