Providing the guidance you need Complete the survey by Friday 15 July. Question Title * 1. How often do you use AFSA’s guidance documents? Daily Weekly Fortnightly Less often Question Title * 2. Have you used AFSA’s guidance documents more frequently since they were updated? Yes No Question Title * 3. Based on your response to Q2, could you explain why/why not? Question Title * 4. Have you found the introduction of a A-Z index useful? Yes No Question Title * 5. Based on your response to Q4, could you explain why/why not? Question Title * 6. The documents were recently renamed so that they are referenced by subject matter rather than statutory prefix. Have you found this useful? Yes No Question Title * 7. Based on your response to Q6, could you explain why/why not? Question Title * 8. Do you find the filtering function helpful? Yes No Question Title * 9. Based on your response to Q8, could you explain why/why not? Question Title * 10. Are there any additional filters or criteria within the filters that will improve your experience? Question Title * 11. Do you have any other feedback? Done