Berkeley High Math Parent Survey

We are collecting information about student (and parent) experiences with Berkeley High School math. We will use this information to advocate for strengthened math instruction, provide feedback to the school, and discuss priority changes.

We want to hear from you even if your students have already graduated. If your student will attend Berkeley High School in the future and you have questions you’d like answered, please complete question #1, then skip to question #8.

Your answers are confidential and anonymous.

Thanks very much for your help!

Question Title

* 1. Berkeley High graduating class of your student(s):

Question Title

* 2. Math courses taken (check all that apply; if you don't see your course listed, please indicate in "other"):

Question Title

* 3. Aspects of Berkeley High math classes that have worked well for your student(s); if specific to a particular class/instructor please indicate:

Question Title

* 4. Aspects of Berkeley High math classes that have been challenging for your student(s); if specific to a particular class/instructor please indicate:

Question Title

* 5. Efforts by you/your student to address challenges and results of these efforts:

Question Title

* 6. Have you hired a private math tutor for your student(s)?

Question Title

* 7. Specific suggestions for ways to improve Berkeley High math:

Question Title

* 8. Questions you have for the Berkeley High math department: