Thanks for accepting to be a part of this research exercise shaping future of the Church!

Please answer the following questions by checking the most appropriate box. Your identity will not in any way be revealed through this anonymous survey.

Question Title

* 1. I let friends know that I am a Seventh-day Adventist

Question Title

* 2. I would love to introduce friends to my local church

Question Title

* 3. My church has sufficient programs to meet the needs of its youth.

Question Title

* 4. I feel accepted in my local church

Question Title

* 5. My local church helps me grow spiritually

Question Title

* 6. I get to know God more through

  Yes No I don't know
the Bible
inspiring events
relationships with people
hearing God's voice
nature or science
helping others
thinking about God
observing believers

Question Title

* 7. For each of the following statements, tell how much you agree or disagree.

  Strongly disagree Disagree I’m not sure Agree Strongly agree
I know that to be saved I must live by God’s rules.
I know that God loves me no matter what I do.
There is nothing I can do to earn salvation.
The more I follow Adventist standards, the more likely it is that I will be saved.
The way to be accepted by God is to try sincerely to live a good life.
The main emphasis of the gospel is on God’s rules for right living.
I am loved by God even when I sin.

Question Title

* 8. I look forward to the Sabbath day with joy

Question Title

* 9. I gladly invite friends to worship with me in church

Question Title

* 10. I would like to make changes in the way we worship in my church

Question Title

* 11. I have participated in witnessing activities in the church

Question Title

* 12. I often pray for the salvation of others

Question Title

* 13. All my friends have at least one social media account

Question Title

* 14. I see the social media as a means for sharing the gospel

Question Title

* 15. I believe that social media has helped my relationship with Christ

Question Title

* 16. Reading the Bible is:
(please check 3 or 4 options that are the most aplicable to you)

Question Title

* 17. I look forward to meet Jesus when he comes again

Question Title

* 18. God's truth is important for my life.

Question Title

* 19. Which of the following statements represent your belief about creation? (Check the one you identify with the most)

Question Title

* 20. We are part of a great cosmic conflict between God and the devil

Question Title

* 21. I study my Bible daily

Question Title

* 22. I can explain Adventist beliefs to anyone

Question Title

* 23. I love the Adventist Church and would never leave it for any reason