Exit this survey NAASO Survey Question Title * 1. How did you hear about Nelson Academy of Agricultural Sciences Online? My school told me about the academy Facebook Twitter Instagram I was contacted by a recruiter I saw an RFD-TV story I heard about it on the radio I visited a booth at a conference or show I heard about it from another academy student Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Who was your teacher for this course? Mr. Nelson Mrs. Thibodeau Mrs. Sidall Mrs. Garris Mrs. Reinhardt Mr. Kimble Question Title * 3. What Grade are you in? 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adult Question Title * 4. How many hours did you spend each week working on your class? 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 Hours 7 Hours 8 Hours More than 8 Question Title * 5. On a scale from one to five, five being the highest, the amount I learned in my class was: 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 6. On a scale from one to five, with five being the most difficult, rank the difficulty of your course: 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 7. I enjoyed my course. Yes No If not, please explain why in the text box below. Question Title * 8. Did you feel your teacher was available to answer your questions in a timely and professional manner? Yes Sometimes No Question Title * 9. Did your teacher return calls, emails or Skype requests in a timely manner? Yes Sometimes No Question Title * 10. I plan to take a course again next semester? SENIORS: We do teach adults in our courses so know you can still enroll in our classes. Thanks! Yes No If no, please explain why in the text box below. Question Title * 11. Mr. Nelson will be building new classes. Which of the following would you consider taking? (pick as many as you want!) Farm Structures - Building Skills, Concrete, etc. Ag Issues -- Current issues in Agriculture Aquaculture -- Fish / seafood farming Biotechnology -- Geneticis, DNA, Stem cells, etc. Horticulture -- Trees, landscaping, etc. Floriculture -- Flower Production Natural Resources -- Food systems, Eco Systems, Water, etc. Organic Farming Risk Management -- Crop Insurance, Risk Reduction Strategies Agronomy Farm Mechanics Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Did you learn more about the subject area you were studying by completing the Research Projects? Question Title * 13. Did you enjoy completing the Research Projects? Question Title * 14. Did you learn from the Work Experience Project (SAE)? Question Title * 15. Did the Crossword Puzzle activities help you learn the vocabulary in each unit? Question Title * 16. Please enter any suggestions regarding Nelson Academy of Agriculture Sciences Online you may have in the text box below. Thank you! Done