Proposal due February 27, 2023 - 5 pm

Thank you for submitting a project idea for an LT alum to work on with your organization. Proposals are due by February 27, 2023 at 5 pm. Leadership Tomorrow will notify you by March 27th. if your project is selected by an alum. While we will try to find an alum to help you with your project, it is not guaranteed. Alumni will work on projects from April - June 2023.

Consider writing the answers to the longer questions in a separate document and copying them into the form, as you must enter and submit the form in one sitting.
There will be an information session on February 8th from 1pm - 2pm. During the session we will answer any questions you have about the project and proposal processes. Please email if you would like to attend.

Please contact if you have questions.

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* 1. I have read the FAQ about partnering with Leadership Tomorrow.

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* 2. Please enter your contact information

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* 3. If someone else should be copied on communications about this proposal, please enter their information below:

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* 4. Please describe your organization's mission:

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* 5. What are one or two ways your organization aligns with LT's mission, vision, or values?

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* 6. Please select the option below that best describes your organization. We define BIPOC led as "An organization in which at least 50% of the board of directors identifies as BIPOC, whose executive director or 50% of senior leadership (decision-makers) identify as BIPOC, and whose mission statement and/or programs aim to predominately serve BIPOC communities." We welcome proposals for all organizations.

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* 7. Project Summary: In one or two sentences, what would you like an LT alum to help with? Explain as if you were telling a friend or family member (you can share more detail in the next section).*

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* 8. Project Details: Explain in a paragraph or two what opportunity, problem, or challenge, an LT alum could help you with. 

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* 9. What areas of expertise should the LT alum have to work on your project?

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* 10. If applicable, please share a short list of action(s) you have taken, or are that you are considering taking, in reference to the request? (i.e. what have you already tried?)

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* 11. What specific, tangible deliverable(s) do you hope will result from the project?*

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* 12. In our experience with community projects, LT alums often discover hidden issues in the original proposal or approach. Are you open to a team's input and can you accommodate a change in course even if it deviates from the issue or plan you describe? (Answering "no" will not disqualify proposals from moving forward, but can help a team better understand the work ahead.)

Thank you for your idea and for the good work you do in our community!