FutureFlight Reader Survey: 2023

1.Which best describes your company (check one)?(Required.)
2.Which best describes your title?(Required.)
3.In what region do you currently reside?(Required.)
4.What are you trying to achieve in the AAM market (check all that apply)?(Required.)
5.Thinking of your company’s product or service offerings, which of the following organizations would be likely users/partners? (check all that apply)(Required.)
6.Do you have the authority to buy, select, or approve the following products or services? (check all that apply)
7.How often do you consume content related to Advanced Air Mobility/emerging aviation technologies?
8.What types of content are most important to you in regard to Advanced Air Mobility and new aviation technologies (check all that apply)?
9.How would you rate FutureFlight's news coverage?
10.Would you refer FutureFlight to a colleague?
11.What could we do better with FutureFlight content?