CVS Nutrition Services Parent/Guardian Survey 24-25 SY

The intention of this survey is for the Nutrition Services Team & Wellness Committee to gather community input on student meals served at Chippewa Valley Schools. As a team, we are continuously looking for ways to improve service and nutrition for the kids. Please take the time to complete this survey and look online for additional information as needed.
1.Where does your student(s) attend school?
2.Do you have any suggestions to improve Lunch at your child's school?
3.Do you have any suggestions to improve Breakfast at your child's school?
4.Overall, do you believe your student(s) receive healthy, well-balanced meals at school?
5.Overall, do you believe your student(s) get enough physical activity and nutrition education at school?
6.Please write any comments or concerns you have here for our Wellness Committee and Nutrition Service Team to review.