Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information so that we may contact you:

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. With which gender do you most identify with?

Question Title

* 4. FEMALES: Which of the following statements best describe you?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following types of beverages, if any, have you consumed in the past month?

Select all that apply...

Question Title

* 6. Thinking about the alcoholic beverages you purchase and consume out-of-home and in-home, which of the following best describes you?

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following best describes where you usually consume alcoholic beverages?

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following types of alcoholic beverages, if any, have you consumed in the past 12 months?

Select all that apply...

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following types of alcoholic beverages, if any, have you consumed in the past 3 months?

Select all that apply...

Question Title

* 10. Which types of alcoholic beverages, if any, would you never consider drinking for any reason?

Question Title

* 11. Thinking about the whiskey/bourbon you have purchased in the past 3 months. How much have you spent on bottles for ‌your personal home consumption (not a gift)?

Select all that apply...

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following brands of alcohol are you AWARE OF?

Select all that apply....

Question Title

* 13. How often, if at all, do you consumed the following brands of alcohol?

  Consumed in past 3 months Consumed in past 4-12 months Consumed over 12 months ago Never consumed ever
Crown Royal
Jim Beam
Makers Mark
Jack Daniel’s
Evan Williams
Johnnie Walker
Wild Turkey

Question Title

* 14. How often, if at all, do you drink the following brands of alcohol?

  I have never consumed this brand Once a year or less Few times a year Once every few months Once a month 2-3x month 1x week or more
Crown Royal
Jim Beam
Makers Mark
Jack Daniel’s
Evan Williams
Johnnie Walker
Wild Turkey

Question Title

* 15. What are your favorite brands of alcohol from above?

(Please list no more than 2)

Question Title

* 16. Are there any brands of the alcohol you would NEVER consider drinking for any reason?

Question Title

* 17. Now, using a scale of -3 to +3, where -3 means you hate the brand and +3 means you love the brand, please tell me how you would rate each of the following brands[

  -3 Hate -2 Strongly dislike -1-Somewhat dislike 0-Indifferent/No Opinion +1 Somewhat like +2 Like Strongly +3 Love
Johnnie Walker
Jack Daniel’s
Jim Beam

Question Title

* 18. Now I am going to ask you for a bit more detail about a few specific brands. Which of the following statements best describes your relationship with each?

  Drink regularly Consider often, but not one I drink regularly Used to drink regularly, but not one I consider now I have never really considered or consumed regularly
Johnny Walker
Jack Daniel’s
Jim Beam

Question Title

* 19. Different people have different perceptions of life. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 as Strongly Agree and 5 as Strongly Disagree, how much dp you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

  1-Strongly agree 2-Agree 3-Neutral 4-Disagree 5-Strongly disagree
a) I’m not afraid to appear unconventional
b) I enjoy entertaining and hosting people
c) I tend to let others try new things before I try them
d) I have friends from all walks of life
e) My friends are like family to me
f) It is more important to have a good time, than to have money or possessions
g) Among my friends, I would be considered one of the quiet ones
h) When on a night out, I’m happiest when others take the lead and make the plans
i) Its important to me to live life on my own terms
j) Its important to me that my friends share similar views to my own.

Question Title

* 20. Which best describes your ethnic background?

Question Title

* 21. Which of the following sexual orientation(s) do you most identify with?

Question Title

* 22. And which one of the following statements best fits your view of advertising?

Question Title

* 23. Have you, or has any member of your immediate family, or a close friend, now or in the past 5 years, worked for, or had any special knowledge of any of the following types of businesses?

Question Title

* 24. When was the last time you participated in a market research study, and what was the topic?

Question Title

* 25. Which best describes the highest level of education you have completed?

Question Title

* 26. Which best describes your education and employment status?

Question Title

* 27. If employed, what is your Occupation/Industry?

If a student, what is your current study area of focus or major?

Question Title

* 28. Imagine you are throwing a party or an event at home. Who would you invite and what drinks and food would you serve? What would be the theme? What kinds of activities would you have at your party?

Question Title

* 29.

Do you acknowledge and consent to your interview being audio/video recorded for research purposes only?

Question Title

* 30. For this study we will ask you to take part in a 90-minute video enabled group discussion, and all must arrive 15-minutes early to ensure proper set up prior to panel discussion.

Because this is an online session, you will need a computer/laptop/tablet with a webcam. You cannot join the session using your mobile phone.

Do you currently have a webcam? (note: the webcam can be built into your computer/laptop/tablet or a separate piece of equipment that is plugged into yourcomputer/laptop/tablet)

Question Title

* 31. The session will take place on a video group discussion platform. Have you ever used a video call platform like Zoom, Skype, Facetime or anything similar?

Question Title

* 32. During your discussion, it is recommended that you use a headset or earbuds that include a microphone. Please let us know if you currently have a headset or earbuds?

Question Title

* 33. During this discussion, you must attend the meeting in a private space where you can give the discussion your full attention, similar to how it would be if the meeting were in person. Will you have a quiet place without disturbances where you can attend the meeting?

Question Title

* 34. If selected for the 90-minute discussion, which Dates/Times would you be available?

Please note times are listed in Eastern Time Zone!

Select all that apply....