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Practice tool evaluation: Practicing with PRIDE

1.Please rate your overall satisfaction with this practice tool.(Required.)
2.Please rate your overall satisfaction with the format of the practice tool (recording).(Required.)
3.The program met the stated learning objectives:(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Describe health disparities that exist in the 2SLGBTQIA+ population
Outline how stigma and discrimination can lead to avoidance of care
List at least FIVE actionable strategies to improve care for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in pharmacy practice
4.Please rate the relevance of this webinar to your own pharmacy practice (if applicable):
5.Will the knowledge you gained from this learning activity be used to improve the care you provide to at least one patient (if applicable)?(Required.)
6.Please select the option that best describes your position/profession (please choose only one option from the list below):(Required.)
7.Please select the option that best describes your pharmacy practice/employment (please select only one option from the list below):(Required.)
8.Please select your primary practice location:(Required.)
9.Please choose the location of your practice based on population.(Required.)
10.Do you have any suggestions for future webinar topics? Please be as specific as possible: