Question Title

* 1. What is your role / position in the community?

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* 2. Please indicate your cultural identity (tick all that apply)

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* 3. Please indicate your age group

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* 4. In what area do you live / work?

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* 5. What services/programs are you aware of and/or use at KNC?

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* 6. What other programs / services would you like to see at KNC? Please note we may not be able to provide additional services but it helps us with our services planning and future funding submissions.

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* 7. In your opinion what are the main issues facing Kuranda District?

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* 8. Overall,how do you rate the quality of your experience at Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre?

Question Title

* 9. How approachable are the staff at Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre?

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* 10. How knowledgeable are the staff about general support options at Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre?

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* 11. How satisfied are you with your last visit or interaction with Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre?

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* 12. How did you find out about Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre?

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* 13. Are you aware that Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre has the following
management functions? (tick all that apply)

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* 14. Please provide comments in the box below about what you would like to see Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre do better?

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* 15. Please provide comments in the box below on what you think Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre is doing well.