MiTraining is committed to advancing the understanding of neurodiversity in Australian workplaces. In particular, we are seeking to better understand what training organisations require to grow a culture of inclusivity, including the celebration of neurodiversity and the take-up of appropriate supports and adjustments for people who identify as neurodivergent.

Neurodiversity describes the natural way that people think, learn, perceive the world, interact, and process information differently. You are considered neurodivergent when you have a diagnosed neuro-processing difference which can include Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and dysgraphia.

It’s our belief that different ways of thinking, learning, perceiving the world, and interacting with others help organisations thrive, as a workforce that includes people with a variety of perspectives, backgrounds and experiences can improve creativity, innovation and problem-solving.

This survey is open to all Australians who have experienced a workplace setting of any kind. We are seeking information from those who identify as neurodivergent and those who don’t.

Please complete the survey in your own time and share it with your networks.

This survey is anonymous and MiTraining will not be able to identify you or your responses in the results. Please note, however, that there is an option in the survey for participants to disclose their organisation and contact details if they would like more information from MiTraining about our neurodiversity training programs and to request a copy of the research report once completed. Those who choose to enter their details will have their identity and responses kept confidential.

MiTraining will collate the survey results and present the findings in report form with survey participants who share their email, and the general public.

Please note this survey has been reviewed by a Clinical Psychologist with experience in this field. Please direct any queries, or training enquiries to