Welcome to the Survey.  We appreciate your feedback.

For many years, First Congregational Church of Reading has been the home to several arts groups, including Creative Arts, the Reading Art Association, and the Reading Community Concert Band.  Our building has the potential to house many more.  We consider it part of our mission to support the arts, as well as community non-profits and self-help groups.  To that end, FCCR is surveying members of the community regarding their space needs for work, meetings, and events.  The results of this survey will guide us in making improvements to the building to accommodate your needs.

This survey consists of three sections.  The first section (Questions 1-10) addresses space needs specific to artists, art and cultural organizations, community groups, and non-profits that require space for work, meetings, and events.  If this section applies to you, please be as specific as possible and include comments where appropriate. 

If it does not apply to you, you can proceed to Question 11, Part 2, to begin the survey. 

Everyone should respond to questions 17-20, Part 3.

Everyone may complete all three sections if these apply.

Thank you for your time!  This should take less than 10 minutes to complete.