CFA Bargaining Team - Benefits Survey |
You can help your bargaining committee. With this survey you can give us facts that will strengthen our bargaining position on benefits. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey as best you can. Please complete before the end of the day May 10th.
Current paramedical coverage
CapU faculty currently have 7 paramedical services (supportive/supplementary medical services like physical therapy) covered by our benefits plan (listed below). For each of these services, Canada Life pays for up to $750 per year. That is the ceiling per paramedical service for each person on your benefits plan
This ceiling amount was set in 1995. The value of $750 has declined in the 28 years since, due to inflation. Just to keep up with general inflation, in today’s dollars the ceiling amount should be set at more than $1,330. The CFA is proposing an increase to $1,400.
Additionally, the services covered have not changed much over the past three decades. We want to update this services list.
Part I. CFA proposals to improve benefits
We have tabled proposals to add services and restore the value of the per-service ceiling. But these are just proposals. We can’t make these changes without agreement of the University.
We would like to know: what benefits do you use, how much do you tend to use, and what you’d like to see added. Our goal with this survey is to gather data that will give us a strong argument about the likely cost of our benefits proposals. Without accurate numbers to use in negotiations, the employer may be concerned that the changes would cost too much.