What are the things you do really well?  What makes you happy?  Are there some activities you would like to explore? Being “church” together is partly about providing you opportunities to share your interests and abilities with others and we have plenty of those.  Please take a few minutes to tell us what interests you have.

Question Title

* 1. Skills and Experience
  Everyone has gifts to share. Tell us which of the following skills or experiences you have. 
  Please tell us the extent of your experience by indicating on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being proficient and 1 being unfamiliar.

   5 Proficient  4  3  2  1 Unfamiliar
Instrumental Music
Gardening/Lawn work
Vocal Music
Teaching / Education planning
Event Planning / Hospitality
Art / Photography
Cooking, Meal Planning
Financial Management / Accounting
Worship Planning
Health and Wellness
Team Building
Building Maintenance

Question Title

* 2. Interests
  Whether you're a pro at one of the following - or have never tried it, we want to know which of the following you are interested in doing with your church friends.
  This time, indicate your interest on the 1 to 5 scale with 5 indicating extreme interest and 1 indicating no interest.

   5 Extreme Interest  4  3  2  1 No Interest
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
Gardening/Lawn work
Teaching / Education Planning
Event Planning / Hospitality
Art / Photography
Worship Planning
Health and Wellness
Team building
Building Maintenance

Question Title

* 3. At First Central, we believe everyone is a minister. Our mission is fulfilled through the good work of a variety of teams. Below are categories of our current Ministry Teams. 
  Please tell us which you'd like to receive more information about.  Please check all that apply.
  For more information, current Ministry Teams are listed in the Ministry Teams Directory, or on our website.

Question Title

* 4. Please leave us your contact information: