Welcome to the HSMAP business consultation survey.  This document provides an opportunity for businesses to have their say in what they would like the proposed business improvement district for the Harley Street area to deliver over the coming 5 years. 

The feedback from this survey will help to shape our BID proposal which is the mandate that you, as businesses, will have the opportunity to vote on for the BID to develop.  It is hoped that this survey will capture the thoughts and expectations of the local business community, so please do feel free to circulate to your colleagues so we can have a wide response from the whole business community. 

The survey should take no longer than 8-10 minutes to complete and as a small "thank you" for completing the survey and helping us shape our future Business Plan, all entrants will be given the chance to be entered into a prize draw to win an afternoon tea for two at the Mandeville Hotel. 

The closing date for the survey is end April 2021 and the prize draw will take place after that.

 In line with GDPR, your information and responses will be dealt with in strictest confidence and no information will be shared with other parties.  If you do not want to be included in the prize draw please let us know.

Question Title

* 1. Have you heard of the Harley Street Medical Area Partnership?

Question Title


These are identified as areas of focus which the BID plans to deliver on. Please answer the questions based on the 4 themes set out below. 

Please indicate how important you feel that the following themes would be for the area with 5 being the most important.

  1 - Unimportant 2 3 4 5 - Very important
Public Realm and Wayfinding
National and International Marketing
Business Sustainability and Connectivity
Safety and Business Resilience

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to be involved in the steering groups which manage the key themes?

Question Title

* 4. Would you like to see any additional or different themes?

Question Title


The Partnership has undertaken a substantial public realm study to identify
opportunities within the area. The BID will be looking to ensure we have
a robust public realm strategy to implement sympathetic yet meaningful
improvements to the area such as additional seating, enhanced wayfinding
and greening projects. A number of questions set out below will give us
some insight into how businesses view the public realm and where they feel
improvements can be made.

Is is easy to navigate around the area?

Question Title

* 6. Does the area need improved signage?

Question Title

* 7. Are pick up and drop off points a necessity for the area?

Question Title

* 8. On a scale of 1– 5 (5 being the most significant) which of the following would you consider an ongoing issue for the HSMAP?

  1 - Unimportant 2 3 4 5 -  Very Important
Pedestrian Congestion
Vehicular Congestion
Lack of green space/general greening
Poor Wayfinding
Air Quality
Noise Pollution

Question Title

* 9. What services would you like to see in the HSMA?

Question Title


The area is world renowned for its medical expertise and we would like to
encourage visitors to the area to access the amazing treatments, care and
facilities here. We will support both national and international marketing
to ensure that we are on the right platforms to promote the area effectively.
It is key to make Harley Street not just a destination of choice but one that
holds holds a variety of openings for visitors, patients and their families.

Is the promotion of the HSMA as a medical tourist destination, to improve dwell time and make use of leisure opportunities, important to your business?

Question Title

* 11. Would you like to see events to promote the offer in area such as medical and healthcare services, retail and hospitality openings?

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following marketing tools would you like to see developed for the HSMA?

Question Title

* 13. How important are the following to you and your business: (Ranking from 1-5
with ‘5’ being most important).

  1 - Unimportant 2 3 4 5 - Very important
Restaurants and Cafes
Regular newsletters/social media comms
Retail Events
Walking Tours
Medical, Healthcare and Retail offers/discounts
Entertainment events

Question Title


This theme will promote sustainable business and working relationships across all sectors. We would aim to develop volunteering projects, networking sessions, informative webinars and CSR projects for the benefit of all.

Do you feel you are well informed about plans for the area such as on proposed developments and transport changes?

Question Title

* 15. Do you feel connecting with other businesses across the area important?

Question Title

* 16. Are networking events to become more familiar with your neighbours and other services offered within the area of interest?

Question Title

* 17. Do you regularly attend training and/or workshops that may help your business develop?

Question Title

* 18. Would your business be interested in any of the following?

  Yes No Maybe
Mentoring, CSR and volunteering opportunities
Small business seminars and networking events
The opportunity to comment on area plans, developments or transport issues
Work placement, recruitment support and apprenticeship brokerage schemes
Wellbeing activities for staff
Supporting education projects for young people

Question Title

* 19. As the area is globally recognised for the healthcare provision and ground breaking medical research, would you be interested in working with medical and healthcare businesses across the HSMA?

Question Title


The safety and security of our businesses and colleagues is always of
paramount importance. We want people who use the area to feel safe and secure at all times and will work with key stakeholders including the Police. We will ensure our business community is provided with the right tools to be resilient to reflect the changing demands of our business community and the challenges that we face.

Do you consider security to be an issue for the HSMA?

Question Title

* 21. Which, if any, of the following do you consider to be an issue for the area?

Question Title

* 22. Do you feel safe in the area?

Question Title

* 23. Which of the following would you like to see developed for the area?

Question Title


Is there anything else that you would like to see the BID deliver?

Question Title

* 25. In view of the opportunities and enhancements the BID could bring to the area,would you, in principle, be supportive of a business improvement district for the Harley Street area?

Question Title

* 26. As we move forward with the formal process to become an established BID we
will need to identify who the authorised voter would be for your organisation to ensure that we liaise with the correct individual. Will you be the voter contact for your organisation?

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* 27. Thank you for completing this survey, please provide your name, company and contact details below:

Question Title

* 28. If you do not wish to be entered into the prize draw please incidate below.