Founder Bootcamp 2023 - OurCrowd Summit

Founder Bootcamp, featured in cities across the U.S., from LA to New York, lands in Jerusalem this February 16th, the day after the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit.

Join fellow founders from Israel, the U.S. and across the world, for exploration of startup success and failure, and the decisions that lead to those outcomes.

The Founder Bootcamp will be taught by Dean Dr. Noam Wasserman of Yeshiva University's Sy Syms School of Business.  Dean Wasserman is the bestselling author of The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup, on which this Bootcamp is based.
1.My name:(Required.)
2.My email address:(Required.)
3.My startup:(Required.)
4.My startup's URL:(Required.)
5.My prior work experience: Years of full-time work experience before founding or joining this startup:(Required.)
6.# of prior startups I founded or cofounded (i.e., not including this startup):(Required.)
7.# of prior startups for which I worked as a non-founding hire (not including this startup):(Required.)
8.Approximately when was your startup founded? (MONTH / YEAR)(Required.)
9.My title in the startup (e.g., CEO, CTO, CMO, VP-Engineering):(Required.)
10.Which of these best describes your starting point with the startup?(Required.)
11.# of total cofounders of your startup (including yourself; e.g., enter “1” if the startup was solo founded)(Required.)
12.From whom have you raised outside money for this startup? (Choose all that apply.)(Required.)
13.What is the most surprising yet important lesson you have learned so far about founding a company?(Required.)
14.What is the most important people-related issue you’re currently facing for which you hope to gain insights during the Founder Bootcamp?(Required.)
15.If I am admitted to Founder Bootcamp, I commit to attending the full Bootcamp (8:45am-12:45pm).(Required.)
16.How did you hear about the Bootcamp?(Required.)
17.Comments or notes:
Thank you for your interest in Founder Bootcamp 2023!  If you are admitted to Founder Bootcamp, we plan to inform you by one week before the Bootcamp, after which you can pay the nominal fee to reserve your spot and we'll send you a couple of pre-Bootcamp self assessments to complete.