The National Volunteer Fire Council is interested in learning more about the current state of volunteer recruitment and retention and the successes and challenges faced by volunteer and combination fire departments to follow up on a survey done several year ago. This survey should take only a few minutes of your time, and will assist the NVFC in identifying ways to better serve our members and the volunteer fire and emergency services as a whole. If you complete this survey by January 7, you will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your department name, your name, and e-mail address (optional):

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* 2. Type of Department:

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* 4. Population Served:

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* 5. Would you characterize the area served by your department as being primarily:

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* 6. How many emergency calls did your fire department respond to in calendar year 2020?

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* 7. How many volunteer/paid-on-call firefighters does your department have?

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* 8. Does your department have all the volunteers that it needs to provide adequate coverage and staffing?

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* 9. How do you recruit new members now? (select all that apply):

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* 10. What tools or methods do you use to retain your members? (select all that apply):

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* 11. What has been your most successful recruitment tool or method? Please describe (optional):

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* 12. What has been your biggest recruitment challenge? Please describe (optional):

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* 13. What has been your most successful retention tool or method? Please describe (optional):

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* 14. What is your biggest challenge with volunteer retention? Please describe (optional):

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* 15. Does your department use the Make Me A Firefighter campaign's resources (volunteer listing, customizable campaign materials, training, track your recruits tool, etc.)?

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* 16. If you currently use the Make Me A Firefighter campaign, what additional resources or tools might be helpful?