Hello. I am a former management consultant who is writing an article about the challenges consultants face when they move to jobs outside of consulting. I would appreciate your input with this short, 8 question survey. If I use any of your quotes in the article, I would just quote you in this form of your first name and your answer to #3 - e.g., "Victor, a former consultant who transitioned to a large company" Thank you for your help! - Victor Prince (www.victorprince.com)

Question Title

* 1. Did you work as a consultant for a management consulting firm in the past?

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* 2. How long has it been since you left consulting?

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* 3. What best describes where you worked after you left consulting?

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* 4. Do you think each of these is a significant challenge former consultants generally face when they work in jobs in non-consulting organizations.

  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Harder to find mentors.
Pace is too slow.
Am not learning as much on the job.
Definition of success is less clear.
Work feels lonely / Miss the camaraderie of consulting.
Not a clear career/promotion path (e.g., no 'partner track').
Too much corporate bureaucracy.
Miss getting a new team with each new project.
Organizational politics are a bigger pain.
Corporate world over-values years experience versus results.
Colleagues don't communicate efficiently and effectively.
Not enough intellectual/academic stimulation.
Don't like having same manager permanently (versus by project).
Miss working with colleagues who are mostly my age.
Career exit strategy unclear. ("Where would I go after this?")
Not enough variety in the work.

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* 5. What advice would you give to someone leaving consulting to start a job in a big, non-consulting company?

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* 6. Please share any stories or examples you can about the challenges former consultants face after moving to a non-consulting organization.

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* 7. In general, what do think are the biggest benefits of moving from consulting to a non-consulting job?

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* 8. If you would like to get a copy of the article summarizing these results, please share your first name and a valid email address.