The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs.
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs. Strongly Agree
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs. Agree
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs. Neither agree nor disagree
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs. Disagree
The food/groceries available through the school meet my family’s nutritional or dietary needs. Strongly Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school.
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school. Strongly Agree
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school. Agree
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school. Neither agree nor disagree
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school. Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that are culturally relevant to my family through the school. Strongly Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school.
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school. Strongly Agree
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school. Agree
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school. Neither agree nor disagree
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school. Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that I like to cook through the school. Strongly Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school.
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school. Strongly Agree
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school. Agree
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school. Neither agree nor disagree
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school. Disagree
I can find food/grocery items that my kids enjoy through the school. Strongly Disagree
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school.
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school. Strongly Agree
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school. Agree
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school. Neither agree nor disagree
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school. Disagree
I can make a meal with the grocery items I access through the school. Strongly Disagree
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school.
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school. Strongly Agree
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school. Agree
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school. Neither agree nor disagree
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school. Disagree
I feel healthy when I eat food/grocery items I’ve accessed through the school. Strongly Disagree