The Future of Blaine Community Theater

Blaine Community Theater Audience Interest Survey

Blaine Community Theater is interested in many possible type and styles of performance art based entertainment and education, and we want to ask you, the community, what types of events you would be most interested in. Please take a moment to examine the following and tell us your thoughts on these prospective events.
1.How would you rate your interest in Blaine Community Theater producing the following events?
Not interested in
Very interested in
All-ages appropriate theater
Mature content theater (PG and PG-13 rated)
Adult content theater (R-rated)
Shows with child/teen casts
2.How would you rate your interest in Blaine Community Theater producing the following activities?
Not interested in
Very interested in
Adult Improv/Acting Classes
Adult Theater Production (behind the scene) Classes
Kids Afternoon Acting Classes
Kids Afternoon Theater Production Classes
Kids Evening Acting Classes
Kids Evening Theater Production Classes
Kids Summer Acting Classes
Kids Summer Theater Production Classes
Teen Internship (teens working with our production staff of full productions)
3.How would you rate your interest in Blaine Community Theater producing the following activities?
Not interested in
Very interested in
Script Reading Club
Play Attending Club (not just BCT productions)
Staged Readings (actor-read scripts with limited staging)
Reader's Theater (actor-read scripts without staging)
One-act theater collections
Show series (a selection of related or serialized shows)
Theater in the park
Water balloon shows (audience can toss water balloons at the actors)
Tomato show (audience can toss tomatoes at the actors)
4.How would you rate your interest in Blaine Community Theater producing the following activities?
Not interested in
Very interested in
Gala Performance (show performance with reception before and/or after)
Dinner Theater (show in dining setting with a meal and beverages)
Desert Theater (show in dining setting with desert and coffee)
Small interactive events (2-3 hour event with actors performing as guests)
Large interactive events (4-6 hour event with actors performing as guests)
5.Are there any other theatrical/performance events that you'd like to see Blaine Community Theater produce? Do you have any specific thoughts about the above options? Anything you just would like us to know?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered