Community Support Needs for Children/Youth under the age of 18 Living with Disabilities

Dear Parents/Caregivers, 
A few months ago, we were approached by a group of Jewish parents of children and youth living with disabilities.  They discussed the issues they were facing regarding community support and services available to their children and families. They reached out to us for assistance in gathering more information from our community. 
We invite you to spend 10-15 minutes filling in the survey below so we can help them collect more information on the number of families in need of assistance, the barriers they might be facing in accessing supports and the gaps in community services.  
This survey applies to all families and guardians who take care of a child or youth with any type of disability under the age of 18.  
Thank you for your time! It is much appreciated.  

1.Do you have a dependent under 18 with a disability?(Required.)
2.To which gender identity does your child/youth most identify?(Required.)
3.What is the age of your dependent?(Required.)
4.Which area of BC do you reside in:(Required.)
5.What is the nature of your dependent's disability (Please check all that apply)?(Required.)
6.Have you received any support in navigating the health system? If yes, what type of support?
7.Has your child/youth undergone any assessments (ie. pscyho-ed, physical, medical, cognitive etc)(Required.)
8.If yes, what type of assessment? What was the purpose of this assessment?
9.How did you learn about the assessment process ie. referred by a doctor, friend, case worker, school, counsellor etc?
10.How long did you wait for the assessment?
11.If your child/youth has received an assessment, how did it impact your dependent's and/or family life? Please describe changes noted, whether positive or negative (i.e. an assessment was done, but was unable to receive the support).
12.What type of school does your child/youth currently attend?(Required.)
13.Does your dependant receive extra support at school?(Required.)
14.If yes, what type of support?
15.In your view, is the support your dependent is or has received at school meeting their needs?  (Required.)
16.If no, please explain the reasons you believe their needs are not being met.
17.Does your child/youth access any community programs or services in Jewish or non-Jewish communities? If yes, what community programs does your dependent access?(Required.)
18.In your view, are these community services meeting your dependent's needs?(Required.)
19.If not, what community service(s) would serve your dependent's needs?" 
20.What is deterring you from not accessing those services ie. do not exist, expensive, not available in my neighbourhood, not qualified"
21.If you are not able to access these needed supports, please describe how this impacts your family.
22.How important is it for your child/youth to fully participate in the Jewish community?(Required.)
23.Please identify any obstacles or challenges you have faced or are currently facing in supporting your dependent to participate in the Jewish community.(Required.)
24.What changes would you like to see implemented in the Jewish community to increase accessibility?(Required.)
25.What services or supports would you like to see provided in the community? Select all that apply(Required.)
26.Please share with us anything else that you consider important and that was not covered by this questionnaire. 
27.If you are interested in staying connected and learning more about future initiatives, please share your name and contact information.