Thank you for facilitating a time2talk Leadership workshop. We are always trying to improve our programs and kindly ask if you could please provide feedback by completing the following brief survey.

Question Title

1. Please provide details below:

On a scale of 1 - 5, with '1' being the lowest (negative) rating and '5' being the highest (positive) rating, please answer the following questions.

Question Title

2. Feedback on Workshop Preparation & Logistics
Did time2talk prepare you with the tools (workbooks and materials), communication and organisation to deliver your workshop well?

  1 (Lowest) 2 3 4 5 (Highest) N/A
I was provided materials in a timely, detailed manner.
I was given the opportunity to be briefed on session materials in a timely, detailed manner.
I was provided the logistical information in a timely, detailed manner.
I was provided a thorough Client Overview document.

Question Title

3. Feedback on the venue (if applicable)
Comments on catering, workshop preparation, service of the venue.

  1 (Lowest) 2 3 4 5 (Highest)
The venue was suitable for the workshop

Question Title

4. Feedback on group
Specific comments, suggestions, topics brought up.

Question Title

5. Potential leads
Is there anyone we should make contact with specifically?

Question Title

6. Follow up material suggested
Please list materials mentioned or suggested for follow up email.

Question Title

7. Feedback on Materials
Any suggestions for improvement and change.

Thank you for your feedback!