Self Nomination Due January 5, 2024

Do you love governance and parliamentarian procedures?  Then we have a great opportunity for you!

ACT is seeking interest from the membership to serve as the organization's Parliamentarian.

ACT's Parliamentarian should have an understanding of Roberts Rules of Order to assist the board in the proper conduct of its meetings.

As well, ACT's Parliamentarian serves as a member of the Governance Committee to assist in the drafting and interpretation of bylaws and our Policies & Procedures.

The role of the parliamentarian at an ACT Board meeting is to be a resource to the Board, providing guidance and support on how to rule on a question or proceed in the circumstances.

Serving as Parliamentarian earns you 20 TDM-CP Credits per year

Criteria for Parliamentarian Role: You must be an ACT member in good standing. Agree to attend and participate as needed in all board meetings.  There are 8 Board meetings a year, currently with 4 in-person and 4 via Zoom.  Attendance is allowed remotely for all meetings but highly desired to be in-person when possible.

Questions on Form: The following questions are included on the statement of interest.

   - Provide a brief bio

   - Provide a statement about why you would like to serve as Parliamentarian.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are you currently a member of the Association for Commuter Transportation?

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* 3. To help us ensure that a diversity of our membership is involved in the leadership of the organization, do you consider yourself to be a member of an ethnic, racial, gender, or other diverse identity?

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* 4. Provide a statement of interest summarizing your desire to serve as Parliamentarian  and any goals you might have for your term.

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* 5. Please list any other organizations (not including your own) with a focus on transportation for which you currently serve in any leadership capacity (Board, Advisory Group, Committee, etc).  

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* 6. The role of Parliamentarian will require participation in the eight (8) Board meetings per year, four (4) in-person at ACT events and four (4) via conference call.  Please acknowledge that you will be able to commit the time necessary to support the needs of the role you are volunteering to serve by checking the box. 

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* 7.
Please upload a copy of your most recent resume. 

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* 8. ACT members are required to sign a Conflict of Interest Statement in order to participate in a Board related role.  Please upload a signed Conflict of Interest Statement.  Click here to download and then upload below.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
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