2020 A Night Under the Big Top Question Title * 1. Overall, how would you rate the event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * 2. How would you rate the venue/location? Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * 3. How would you rate the individual ticket price of $75? Too high Just right Too low N/A. I attended on a sponsor ticket. OK Question Title * 4. How did you hear about Big Top? Friend Glenwood Website or ENews Social Media Signage in the Community Through Employer OK Question Title * 5. Did you bid in the silent auction? Why or why not? OK Question Title * 6. What items would you bid on in the silent auction? Trips Jewelry Art Wine and Spirits Experiences Clothing I don't typically bid in silent auctions OK Question Title * 7. What did you like about the event? What did you dislike about the event? OK Question Title * 8. How could future events be improved? Select all that apply. Change venue Add entertainment options Limit number of attendees Adjust start or end time More food options Adjust silent auction bidding process Move event to Saturday Change the theme I like the event the way it is. Don't change a thing! Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event? OK Question Title * 10. How many Big Tops have you attended? Would you like to come back next year? OK DONE