Al Chet - 1 |
1. Who Participates In This Kind of Behavior, and How Often?
The Al Chet, an alphabetical acrostic, is recited as many as ten times throughout Yom Kippur. Perhaps we can approach this list in a different way.
Respond to each statement (there are 22 of them, one for each Hebrew letter) by selecting with whom (at which level of communal living) you have experienced and/or participated in this error and at what frequency.
We may be able to rank these (as to seriousness) later.
Respond to each statement (there are 22 of them, one for each Hebrew letter) by selecting with whom (at which level of communal living) you have experienced and/or participated in this error and at what frequency.
We may be able to rank these (as to seriousness) later.