1. Who Participates In This Kind of Behavior, and How Often?

The Al Chet, an alphabetical acrostic, is recited as many as ten times throughout Yom Kippur. Perhaps we can approach this list in a different way.

Respond to each statement (there are 22 of them, one for each Hebrew letter) by selecting with whom (at which level of communal living) you have experienced and/or participated in this error and at what frequency.

We may be able to rank these (as to seriousness) later.

Question Title

1. We have erred against You by hardening our hearts.
אמוּוץ הלב

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

2. We have erred against You by speaking perversely.
בטוי שׂפתים

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

3. We have erred against You publicly and privately.
גלוי ובסתר

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

4. We have erred against You by corrupt speech.
דבור פה

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

5. We have erred against You by evil thought.
הרהור הלב

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

6. We have erred against You by insincere confession.
ודוי פה

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

7. We have erred against You intentionally and unintentionally.
זדון ובשׁגגה

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

8. We have erred against You by desecrating your name.
חלול השׁם

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

9. We have erred against You by foolish talk.
טפשׁות פה

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

10. We have erred against You knowingly and unknowingly.
יודעים ובלא יודעים

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

11. We have erred against You by bribery.
כפת שׁחד

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

12. We have erred against You by slander.
לשׁון הרע

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

13. We have erred against You in eating and drinking.
מאכל ובמשׁתה

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

14. We have erred against You by false pride.
נטית גרון

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

15. We have erred against You by wanton glances.
שׂקור עין

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

16. We have erred against You by effrontery.
עזות מצח

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

17. We have erred against You by perverting justice.

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

18. We have erred against You by envy.
צרות עין

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

19. We have erred against You by being stubborn.
קשׁיות ערף

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

20. We have erred against You by tale bearing.

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

21. We have erred against You by causeless hatred.
שׂנאת חנם

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community

Question Title

22. We have erred against You by confusion of values.
תמהון לבב

  often sometimes periodically rarely
My family
My friends
My community