Virtual Fox Fest Future

1.Did you attend VFF?(Required.)
2.Virtual Fox Fest 2020 had four sessions per day. Offering more sessions per day would likely mean starting earlier and ending later. For future virtual events, would you prefer:
3.Virtual Fox Fest 2020 had three days of sessions. For future virtual events, would you prefer:
4.The three days of Virtual Fox Fest 2020 were spread across three weeks. For future multi-day virtual events, would you prefer:
5.The three days of Virtual Fox Fest 2020 were held on different days of the week. If future multi-day virtual events are spread across multiple weeks, would you prefer:
6.If you paid for and attended Virtual Fox Fest 2020, which of these features did you try:
7.Have you ever attended Southwest Fox?
8.Have you ever attended any in-person VFP conferences?
9.What topics are you interested seeing at future event?
10.Considering the value of Virtual Fox Fest 2020 at US$49, how much would you be willing to spend per day for a future Virtual Fox Fest?
11.Do you want to share anything else with the organizers?