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* 1. What is the size of your business by turnover?

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* 2. Which industry segment and type best describes your business?

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* 3. Who are your key customers? (Choose one or more)

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* 4. Do you think there is enough information available about the Nursery levy and its projects run by the Hort Innovation Nursery Fund?

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* 5. What are your preferred information sources? (Please select all that apply)

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* 6. How relevant are the following outputs to you and your business?

  Very irrelevant Somewhat irrelevant  Neither relevant nor irrrelevant Somewhat relevant Extremely relevant 
Fact Sheets
Greenlife Industry Australia social media channels
Grower case studies
Nursery Papers
Social media
Your Levy @ Work blogs

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* 7. Have you thought about making changes to your business based on information from levy-funded research and development (R&D) and/or marketing?

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* 8. Have you made any changes to your business based on information from levy funded R&D and/or marketing?

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* 9. What type of content would you like to see more of in future communications outputs? (Choose one or more)

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* 10. What are the top concerns to your business currently (please select up to 3)?

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* 11. Do you have any additional comments or feedback on the nursery communications program (e.g. type of projects communicated, relevance of outputs, format or channels)?

0 of 11 answered