Acupuncture For The People Clinic Re-Opening Survey June

Your input & feedback is important to us now more than ever.

The decision to open back up is tricky and there’s lots of factors to consider. You can help by taking our Re-opening Survey to let us know what you need & expect from us going forward. Respond soon if you can, we appreciate your thoughts.
1.What is your age?
2.Are you at high-risk for severe illness or complications from COVID-19?
(For Example: immune compromised, chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, diabetes, immune deficiencies, HIV/AIDS, other autoimmune conditions, chronic kidney or liver disease, undergoing dialysis, cancer treatment or organ transplant)
3.Describe your lifestyle in response to the Pandemic:
4.What is your level of need for Acupuncture Services?
5.It's hard to predict, but when do you think you would you feel comfortable / safe returning to our clinic for treatment?
6.What influences your decision of when to return for Acupuncture? (see previous question)
7.We will be taking extra precautions to protect staff & clients. Part of that approach involves everyone wearing a mask inside the clinic. What describes your attitude towards masks?
8.When the clinic first re-opens it will be for reduced hours. When would be your preferred time to come in for Acupuncture treatment? Check all that apply.
9.We may have to raise our rates (sliding-scale) to cover added expenses and reduced volume. Our goal is to keep treatments affordable and accessible. Based on your current situation, what could you reasonably afford to contribute?