Plain Language Statement

Participant Information and Consent Form
Quality Assurance Project: Evaluating an online early intervention resource for parents of young people who may be at risk of developing an eating disorder
Investigator: Danielle Hitch (Phone: 0406 932 734)

You are invited to take part in this quality assurance project. Participation is voluntary and you may decline if you wish. If you complete and submit this survey, your consent to use your responses will be assumed. As you are not providing any identifying information, you will not be able to withdraw your responses once you hit submit.

This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Please read this information and ask questions if you need more information. You may also discuss the project with a relative or friend or your work colleagues. Once you understand what the project is about and if you agree to take part in it, please answer the question at the bottom of this page.

1. Purpose
The aim of this study is to understand how useful the online resource is to families at the time they utilize it, and after three months. You are invited to participate in this research project because you have accessed this online resource. 

2. Procedures
Participation in this project will involve
• Completion of this online survey and submission of your responses
* Completion of a further follow up survey in three months (if you provide consent)

3. Possible Risks
There are no foreseeable risks to participating in this research

4. Privacy, Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information
Your responses to this survey are anonymous, so your responses will remain confidential. In any publication of the results of the project, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.

The data from this survey will be stored electronically on a password protected computer, in a folder which will only be accessible to the research team. At the conclusion of data collection, all responses will be printed out and stored in a locked filing cabinet at the Psychosocial Research Centre, 130 Bell Street, Coburg Victori 3058. This data will be stored for a period of five years, before being securely disposed.

5. Results of Project
The results of this study will be published in two forms: 1) plain language report and 2) peer reviewed journal articles and/or conference papers. The plain language report will be available from the Victorian Centre for Excellence in Eating Disorders at the conclusion of the study, as will any subsequent peer reviewed journal articles and/or conference papers.

6. Other Issues
If you have any questions for queries about this project, you can contact Dr. Danielle Hitch, Psychosocial Research Centre on 0406 932 734

If you have any complaints about any aspect of the project, the way it is being conducted or any questions about your rights as a
research participant, then you may contact
Name: Ms Jessica Turner
Position: Manager Human Research Ethics Committees, Melbourne Health
Telephone: (03) 9342 7602
You will need to tell Ms Turner the number or name of the project (refer to page 1).

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to participate in this survey?