Post-Covid Tripkit Survey
As we are all effected by the current health pandemic around the world, we are taking steps to hit the ground running once meetings/events start back up. As a valued partner, we would like your insight as to what you would like us to try and provide for your Tripkits.
We are all aware that many supplies are out of stock/limited and are working to try and secure stock of some items without effecting the overall supply availability for healthcare facilities. By purchasing items in smaller quantities to build up our reserve, we hope to be able to provide the tripkits with items that will keep your staff and clients healthy and happy onsite.
Overall, how would you rate the Yourtripkit Service?
Very good
What's the best thing you enjoy about the service?
What suggestions would you give to make it a better service?
Thinking Post-Covid meeting environment, what items would you like to see included in the Tripkits?
Hand Sanitizer - With supplies limited/out of stock, would smaller sized bottles (2oz,3oz, mini) be an option to include? Please select all that you would be interested in ordering.
Small 1oz (keychain type, possibly branded)
Medium 8oz
Large 20oz
Sanitizing Wipes
All of the Above
None of the Above
Other (please specify)
If you would like us to include NON-N95 masks, approximately what quantity would you want to include in each size kit. Just an approximate number is fine. Small, Medium, Large, Adboard
If you would like us to include Gloves, approximately what quantity would you want to include in each size kit. Just an approximate number is fine. Gloves come in specific sizes.