Supporting Parents of Children with T1D Podcast Survey

Diabetes Canada is committed to continuous quality improvement and meeting the needs of the Health Care Provider Community. Please take 2 minutes to tell us about yourself and provide feed on the quality of our Supporting Parents of Children With T1D podcast. Responses to this survey are completely anonymous.
1.Did this podcast meet your expectations?
2.Did you perceive any industry bias?
3.Please rate your satisfaction with the webinar using the scale below.
Very dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Pace of speaker
Clarity of speaker
4.Please rate your level of knowledge on this topic.
Very low
Very good
Before the podcast
After the podcast
5.How relevant is this knowledge to your day-to-day practice?
6.How likely are you to use this knowledge in your day-to-day practice?
7.What would improve the likelihood of you using the information in today's podcast in your future practice?
8.What topics would you like to see in future podcasts?
Thank you for answering questions about today's webinar. The remaining questions are focused on demographics. Answering these questions help us know who watches our content and we would appreciate you taking the time to answer them. 
9.Are you a healthcare provider?
10.What kind of healthcare provider are you?
11.How long have you been practicing?
12.Are you a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)?
13.What best describes the setting in which you practice as an HCP?
14.In which jurisdiction do you primarily work?
15.Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group?
16.What is your gender?
17.What is your sexual orientation?
18.Do you identify as a person with a disability? For the purposes of this survey, disability is defined as: any impairment (physical, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory) or functional limitation that hinders full and equal participation in society.
19.Are you personally affected by diabetes?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Diabetes Canada is always looking to engage with our community. If you are interested in getting more involved, please click here to view opportunities for HCPs.