Henry Ford once said, “If I asked the customer what he wanted, he would have said, ‘a faster horse.’”  A customer who has never imagined an automobile, cannot ask for one.

Similarly, many organizational leaders, constrained by past learning, cannot imagine an organization with a fully-engaged workforce, willing contributions, spontaneous collaboration, and extraordinary outcomes.  To access this image, leaders must acquire a new worldview, the perspective of a twice-born leader, someone who, usually through crisis, is jolted and required to rethink his or her worldview.  In the process leaders begin to imagine what the conventional mind cannot.  They see and utilize the power of higher purpose—an authentic intention that brings meaning to pursuit of business goals and transforms motivation.

In this book Robert E. Quinn and Anjan J. Thakor offer a new logic that builds on the assumptions of economics and opens a new path to learning based on clearly articulating an organization’s higher purpose and intersecting it with the organization’s strategy. They explain why numerous books and articles on higher purpose have failed to gain traction in the workplace. They then offer a practical and counter-intuitive framework for imagining and creating an organization of higher purpose.  And they show how to put into practice an eight-step approach to articulating higher purpose and how to weave it into the fabric of the organization.

Question Title

* 1. How effective are each of the following MAIN TITLE IDEAS? (Please rate each title idea.)

  Very Effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
We Cannot Create What We Cannot Imagine
Doing Hard Things
The Fabric of Purpose
Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization
The Purpose Breakthrough
The Economics of Higher Purpose
The Purpose Jolt
The Twice-Born Leader
How to Create a Purpose-Driven Organization
This Is How to Lead a Purpose-Driven Organization

Question Title

* 2. Which main title idea do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 3. How effective are each of the following SUBTITLE IDEAS?  (Please rate each subtitle idea.)

  Very effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
Eight Steps to Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization
Imagining What the Conventional Mind Cannot Imagine
How to Finally Learn to Lead
This Is How to Lead a Purpose-Driven Organization
Weaving Higher Purpose into the Fabric of Organizations
How to Create a Purpose-Driven Organization
Embracing the Economics of Higher Purpose
Jolting Leaders and Organizations to Higher Possibilities
The Economics of Higher Purpose
Leadership and the Economics of Higher Purpose

Question Title

* 4. Which subtitle idea do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 5. Please suggest any other main title ideas or subtitle ideas that you have.

Question Title

* 6. What is your principal employment or vocation?

Question Title

* 7. What is your first and last name? (If you don't wish to provide your name, then just type in your initials.)

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