Green Ocean Volunteer (August)

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4.Are You Happy For Us To Contact You About Relevant Volunteer Information?
5.Green Ocean Volunteer Liability Disclaimer

Thank you for volunteering with us. We appreciate your help in maintaining our oyster baskets and ensuring a healthy marine environment. While we prioritise your safety, it's important to recognize that participating in this activity involves certain risks. By volunteering, you agree to the following terms:

Awareness of Risks: You understand and accept the potential risks involved in cleaning the oyster baskets from a marina pontoon. These risks include, but are not limited to:
- Drowning: Despite safety measures like wearing life jackets and using the buddy system, there is still a risk of falling into the water.
- Slips, Trips, and Falls: The pontoon may be slippery, leading to possible injuries such as fractures or sprains.
- Manual Handling: Lifting baskets can cause musculoskeletal injuries.
- Exposure to Sharp Objects: Handling oyster shells and tools may result in cuts and lacerations.
- Exposure to Harmful Marine Organisms: Potential allergic reactions, stings, or bites from marine life.
- Weather Conditions: Risks of hypothermia, heat exhaustion, or sunburn due to changing weather.

Safety Measures: We have put comprehensive safety measures in place to minimize these risks, including:
- Providing and requiring the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as life jackets and gloves. We ask you to wear non-slip footwear during the session.
- Implementing a buddy system and ensuring tasks are assigned according to physical capabilities.
- Conducting safety briefings, training on proper lifting techniques, and monitoring weather conditions.

Personal Responsibility: You agree to:
- Follow all safety instructions provided by supervisors.
- Use the provided safety equipment correctly.
- Exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.
- Notify supervisors of any health conditions that might affect your participation.

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability: By participating, you voluntarily assume all risks associated with the activity. You agree not to hold the organisers, supervisors, marina staff, or any associated entities liable for any injury, loss, or damage arising from your participation, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Emergency Procedures: You acknowledge that you have been informed of and understand the emergency procedures, including:
- Immediate use of life rings and CPR in case of drowning.
- First aid administration on site and transport arrangements for injuries.
- Evacuation protocols in case of severe weather.

Reporting and Feedback: You agree to report any hazards, incidents, or safety concerns to supervisors immediately. Your feedback is essential in maintaining a safe environment for all volunteers.

Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, we can make a difference while ensuring everyone's safety.

By signing your full name below, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this liability disclaimer.