Applicant Information

There are two required applications for the Sacramento Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (CoC NOFO) competition: (1) the local application in Survey Monkey and (2) the national application in e-SNAPs. The following instructions are for the local application in Survey Monkey.

You will be required to respond to the below questions for each new project. If you have questions about the status of one of your projects, please reach out to

APR Questions:
HUD e-LOCCs Questions:
Local e-LOCCs Questions:
HUD E-Snaps Questions:
Local E-Snaps Questions:
Narrative Questions:

Question Title

* Organization Name:

Question Title

* Project Name:

Question Title

* Primary Contact Name:

Question Title

* Primary Contact Email:

Question Title

* Primary Contract Phone Number:

Question Title

* Secondary Contact Name:

Question Title

* Secondary Contact Email:

Question Title

* Secondary Contact Phone Number:

Question Title

* Please provide a brief summary of this project:
This summary is for identification purposes only and will not be scored. The summary will help panelists confirm that they have accurately identified this project, as distinguished from other projects administered by your agency. You might briefly describe this project’s age, location, size, the populations your project serves, and any other distinguishing characteristics of this project that sets it apart from your agency’s other projects. [Please limit response to 250 characters].

Question Title

* Please upload the project's e-Snaps budget or an example budget using the template provided by SSF:
The link to SSF's example budget can be found here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Please upload the Community Standards Self Review Tool:
Note that these standards are not scored, nor included in the Review & Rank Process.
The Sacramento CoC's Community Standards Self Review Tool can be found here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File