Zillow Survey 2020: Zillow Homes Launches as Licensed Brokerage

1.Are you a Zillow advertiser?
2.Are you a Premier Agent?
3.If you are NOT a Zillow advertiser, and with Zillow now starting its own licensed brokerage with plans to expand, will you consider advertising with them in the future?
4.If you ARE a Zillow advertiser, and with Zillow now starting its own licensed brokerage with plans to expand, will you be pulling your advertising with them?
5.Do you syndicate your listings to Zillow?
6.If you syndicate your listings to Zillow, do you plan to discontinue to syndicate, following their brokerage announcement?
7.Will Zillow's move to start a licensed brokerage be viewed as a positive or negative addition for consumers in your market?
8.Do you view Zillow starting a licensed brokerage as a positive or negative for the real estate industry?
9.Is Zillow Offers available in your market?
10.What is your role in the real estate industry?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered